Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Tale Of A Princess Part 6

So The Princess And The Prince That Left Her Lost All Connection And Only Spoke When Necessary. However, The Princess And The Other Prince Began Talking More. After A Few Days, She Forgot Of Her Sorrow And Love Of The Other Prince. Soon, They Had Deep Feeling For Each Other Which Scared The Princess; She Wasn't Sure If She Could Trust Her Heart After The Events That Occured With The Other Prince. But She Decided To Take A Chance. After All, This Is The Time To Make Mistakes, Not Hard And Fast Decisions Based On Your Past. But: Forgive, But Never; Ever Forget<333

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Tale Of A Princess Part 5

The Prince always told the Princess he loved her. Always. The Princess wanted with all her heart to believe he meant his words. But she knew he didn't. His heart belonged with the Maiden. He told her it wasn't true. That she was his past but the Princess was smarter than that...

So once again the Princess began to trust the Prince and talked of a relationship. Everything was going great until the Maiden came back, begging, pleading, for the Prince. And the Prince left the Princess, once again, for the Maiden.

This completely crushed the Princess and put her in a deep spell of unhappiness. Depression even. But she acted as if everything was fine and she didn't care. But to the Princess, she began to question whether she could still want anything more than a friendship, if that, with the Prince anymore...

Friday, June 17, 2011

A Tale Of A Princess Part 4

So the Princess had to make a decision between the two Princes. Should she choose the Prince she's loved for months but a known heart breaker? Or the new Prince whom she had no history with and was a sweetheart?

The Princess pondered her decision for weeks. She thought of the pros and con's of both Princes and what they could each provide her in a relationship. Who could she trust more? Who did she know better? Who did she love the most?!

About a week and a half later, her decision was made. Although her first Prince was a known heart breaker she trusted him and knew him a lot better than the other Prince. Not only that but she saw him more. But in weeks to come the Prince gave her a few reasons to regret her decision...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A Tale Of A Princess Part 3

So they began talking. The more they talked the closer they became. But one day, the Prince and his maiden got back together as a couple, leaving the Princess feeling like she had been used. But weeks later the couple went they're seperate ways again and once again the Princess was there for the maiden.
But then the Prince began seeing a new girl, but also began talking to the Princess once more. The Princess and the Prince soon were closer than ever. And there was talk of them being a secret couple.
Then one day a Prince from another nation visited the Princess and began attempting to court her. His attempts worked as the Princess soon had a great affection for him. As she did for her other Prince.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Tale Of A Princess Part 2

So, she vowed she'd never Love a Prince again. But, she could not bring herself to feel hate towards the Prince. For she believed the Love she felt for and of him was mutual.

In the following months the Prince and his new maiden had many problems in their relationship. Trust was a main issue. For when the Prince grew tired and left the maiden, the Princess (Although not having a friendship with the maiden) was there to comfort her, and offer her support.

But one day, the Prince and Princess were forced to work together (Along with some peasants) on a project for the Queen of another nation. While working on this project the two reconnected and ignited the spark that was still in them, just a tad stronger than before...

A Tale of A Princess

Once Upon A Time,

There was a Princess. This Princess fell in love with a Prince. He was charming and sweet and everything she wanted in a Prince. He courted her and they started seeing each other. A week later, the Prince met another maiden and left the Princess. She was heartbroken. She swore she would never fall for another Prince.

This is the True Story of how minds can change, people can change, and sometimes it can be hard to follow your heart.

But the question is: Does True Love Really Exist?


The story will continue in posts to come.

Let's hope the Princess ends up with a Happily Ever After(: